Administrative Officer A2 (Job Level 10)

Posted on June 29, 2024 by Stellenbosch University

  • 1 Vacancy

Job Description

Duties/Pligte This position coordinates the academic administration, logistics, e-learning and research support processes of the large number of postgraduate students in the honours and master¿s programmes of the School of Public Leadership.
Responsibilities include
  • Providing administrative support for student registration, including reviewing and selecting new applicants, answering student queries relating to academic administration, student orientation and appropriate referrals on programme and administrative issues;
  • Drafting and coordinating annual schedules and handling logistics related to contact weeks (local and national), online and telematics classes, e-tutoring, assignments, examinations and reporting;
  • Supporting students and academic staff in the use of the e-learning platform and other interactive learning mediums, providing administrative support to keep module content up to date and extracting reports from the e-learning platform (for example, Turnitin, AI reports), and general troubleshooting on the e-learning platform;
  • Liaising with academic staff and coordinating the production of course material, such as workbooks, textbooks, electronic course material and laptops;
  • Coordinating assessments, including the admission exams, and in-person assessments in collaboration with the central student administration office, creating and overseeing online exams and coordinating concession examinations, communicating feedback on marked exam papers to students where requested, coordinating the internal and external moderation processes, and processing and uploading marks and final degree marks on the relevant platforms;
  • Supporting the research components of the honours and master's programmes, including support and record keeping of the colloquium, appointing study leaders and examiners and communication to relevant committees, administrative support of the DESC, routine supervisor and student progress reports, technical checks of theses before examination, coordinating the internal and external assessment of master's theses, uploading final documents on the relevant electronic platforms, and initiating relevant remuneration requests for external examiners/moderators;
  • Managing, distributing and coordinating the work of the student assistants/interns on the honsBPA and master's programmes, and coordinating internship opportunities for full-time honours students;
  • Supporting the programme leaders and lecturers of the two programmes with marketing, financial administration and programme reporting as required.

Hierdie pos koördineer die akademiese administrasieprosesse, logistiek, e-leer en navorsingsondersteuningsprosesse van die groot aantal nagraadse (honneurs- en meestersgraad) studente by die SPL.

Verantwoordelikhede sluit in:
  • Verskaf administratiewe steun met studenteregistrasie, met inbegrip van die hersien en keuring van nuwe aansoekers, beantwoording van studente se navrae rakende akademiese administrasie, studente orientasie en gepaste verwysings met betrekking tot program- en administratiewe aangeleenthede;
  • Die opstel en koördinering van jaarlikse skedules en hantering van logistiek wat verband hou met kontakweke (plaaslik en nasionaal), aanlyn en telematiese klasse, e-tutoriale, werkstukke, eksamens en verslagdoening;
  • Ondersteun studente en akademiese personeel in die gebruik van die e-leerplatform en ander interaktiewe leermediums, administratiewe steun om die module-inhoud op datum te hou en verslae uit die e-leerplatform te onttrek (byvoorbeeld, Turnitin, AI verslae), en algemene probleemoplossing op die e-leerplatform;
  • Skakel met akademiese personeel en koördineer die reproduksie van kursusmateriaal soos werkboeke, handboeke, elektroniese kursusmateriaal, en rekenaars;
  • Koördineer assesserings, met inbegrip van die toelatingseksamens, in-persoon assesserings in samewerking met die sentrale studente administasie kantoor, die skep en toesighouding van aanlyn eksamens, en die koördinering van konsessie eksamens, kommunikeer die terugvoer op gemerkte vraestele aan studente op versoek, koördineer die interne en eksterne modereringsprosesse, en verwerk en oplaai van punte en finale graadpunte op die toepaslike platvorms;
  • Ondersteun die navorsingskomponente van die Honneurs- en meestersprogramme, met inbegrip van die ondersteuning en rekordhouding van die colloquium, aanstel van studieleiers en ekamineerders en kommunikasie aan die toepaslike komitees, administratiewe ondersteuning van die DESK, roetine studieleier en studente verslagdoening, tegniese nagaan van tesisse voor ekaminering, koördinering van die interne en eksterne assesering van meesters-tesisse, oplaai van finale dokumente op die toepaslike platvorms, en die inisiëring van die toepaslike vergoedingsversoeke vir eksterne eksaminatore/moderators;
  • Bestuur, versprei en koördineer die werk van die studente assistente/interns op die HonsBPA- en meestersprogramme, en koördineer internskap geleenthede van voltydse honneursstudente;
  • Ondersteun die programleiers en akademiese personeel van die twee programme met bemarking, finansiële administrasie en verslagdoening soos versoek.

Job Requirements/Pos Vereistes Given the specific nature of the programme presentation, the following requirements are applicable:
  • A bachelor's degree or equivalent qualification, with public and development management as an added advantage;
  • Experience in the administrative processes relating to student admissions, examinations and online learning support within a higher education environment;
  • At least two years' experience in programme administration support in a higher education environment;
  • Excellent organisational skills and the demonstrated ability to maintain the academic integrity of assessment processes;
  • Excellent professional written and verbal communication skills in English, with Afrikaans or isiXhosa as an added advantage;
  • Computer literacy and proficiency in MS Office, including Excel;
  • The ability to work under pressure, take initiative and meet deadlines;
  • The ability to work efficiently as part of a team with prior oversight/managerial experience as an added advantage;
  • A valid driver's licence and willingness to travel within South Africa to support off-campus programme delivery.

Gegewe die spesifieke aard van die programaanbieding, is die volgende vereistes van toepassing:
  • 'n Baccalaureusgraad of gelykwaardige kwalifikasie, met openbare en ontwikkelingsbestuur as 'n bykomende voordeel;
  • Ervaring met die implementering van studente toelating, eksaminering en aanlyn-leer ondersteuningsprosesse binne 'n hoëronderwys omgewing;
  • Minstens twee jaar se ervaring in program-administrasie ondersteuning binne 'n hoëronderwys omgewing;
  • Uitstekende organisatoriese vaardighede en die bewese vermoë om die akademiese integriteit van assesseringsprosesse te handhaaf;
  • Uitstekende professionele skriftelike en mondelinge vaardigheid in Engels, met Afrikaans of isiXhosa as 'n bykomende voordeel;
  • Rekenaargeletterdheid en vaardigheid in MS Office, insluitend Excel;
  • Die vermoë om onder druk te werk, inisiatief te neem en spertye te haal;
  • Die vermoë om doeltreffend as deel van 'n span te werk met vorige toesighouding/bestuurservaring as 'n bykomende voordeel;
  • 'n Geldige rybewys en bereidwilligheid om binne Suid-Afrika te reis om af-kampus programaanbieding te ondersteun.

  • An honours degree or equivalent qualification with a research component, with public and development management as an added advantage;
  • Experience in using social media for marketing;
  • An interest in academic research (e.g. pursuing master's / PhD degree);
  • Fluency in other official South African languages.
  • 'n Honneursgraad of gelykwaardige kwalifikasie met 'n navorsingskomponent, met openbare en ontwikkelingsbestuur as 'n bykomende voordeel;
  • Ervaring daarmee om sosiale media vir bemarking te gebruik;
  • Belangstelling in akademiese navorsing (bv. voltooiing van meesters- / PhD-graad);
  • Vaardigheid in ander amptelike Suid-Afrikaanse tale.

Advertised until:
July 29, 2024

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